viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

superlative quiz

superlative quiz
1-which is the largest ocean ?
Pacific ocean is the largest ocean.

2-which is the longest river?
Nile is the longest river.

3-which is the fastest animal?
The cheetah is the fastest animal.

4-which is the tallest building?
The Empire State Building is the tallest building.

5-which is the smallest country?
Andorra country is the smallest country.

6-whinch is the most spoken language?
English is the most spoken language.

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008


Invento: Máquina de vapor
Inventor: Denis Papin
País: Francia
Año: 1690

invention: Steam engine
Inventor: Denis Papin
country: France
Year: 1690